Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?

There are many reasons why bad things happen to good people. This post will discuss one of them.
It is an important reason and can easily be missed by our failure to recognize what it is that we are not doing or what we actually should be doing.
The reason is given below:
To humble us.
Bad things can happen to good people to humble us.
Sometimes our lives are hit by storms so that we do not forget about God.
Think of it as God’s way of showing us something about ourselves that we are be failing to see.
For example, we may climb the ladder of success, are fortunate enough to purchase some real-estate, we can afford to travel the world, and so on. We somehow act as though we got where we are or what we have by good fortune, luck, chance perhaps, oh, then there is hard work.
Of all of these perceptions, I suppose that hard work stands out as a truth.
However, ever thought about who gave you the strength and ability to work? Who set your path to the college that you went to? Who gave you that product idea that you came up with in your basement? Who led you to encounter that person that decided to invest in you and give you a chance to become successful?
Was it not the goodness of God?
Maybe, you prayed for something, and God answered your prayer.
Did you even bother to say thank you?
We accept what we receive with open arms, but after that, we sometimes tend to forget who blessed us with it.
Let’s look at the big picture.
We think that we have it made in the shade. We are doing well, thriving, we are treating others well; or not. We get caught up in life, we get too busy. We forget about God. We stop praying and we stop praising him.
We forget about all of the blessings that he has afforded us.
So, what happens now.
We have to be reeled back in.
God is merciful however, and we should be grateful that he is. He will never put more on us than we can bear.
But every now and again, he stirs up a storm in our life that forces us to revert back to him. It is in these times that he reminds us of who he is.
How will you receive the bad? Will you past the test? Will you see it as a sign that you need to adjust something in your life.
Many have been down this road, Christians alike.
Living life as usual. Living as if we are in control. Things go good for a while then out of nowhere, something goes haywire.
God wants to test us from time to time, to see if we are committed to him, if we have not forgotten about him, and if we still have a spot in our hearts for him.
What will you do when life knocks you down. Will you humble yourself and call out to him?
Don’t forget about God. All he wants is our praise. It’s a small price for such wonderful blessings that we receive. Learn to take time out of each day to acknowledge him. It’s so simple, yet we fail to do such a simple thing.
Why do bad things happen to good people? Hope this post helps to answer your question.
God never said that we would not have storms in our lives. He says in his word – The Bible, that when the storms happen, he will be there with us.

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