8 Signs That You Are Ready For Marriage
For many couples, marriage is the next step in validating their love for each other.
This validation involves commitment and a desire to share life and all of its journey with your partner.
So how do you know if you are ready for marriage?
Take a look at these 8 signs that indicate that you are ready to move to the next chapter.
1. You love nothing more than spending time with your partner
If when you are with your partner, you are at your happiest point, all signs point to marriage. Further, if when you are away from your partner you can only think about how soon you will see them again, this is a sure sign that you are ready to spend the rest of your life with them.
On the other hand, if you are bored or not very enthused when you are around your partner the marriage bells may not be ringing just yet.
2. Your future goals/visions are similar
If you and your partner have talked about your visions for the future and they both align, this is a good sign that you are ready for marriage. Visions or goals can include kids, a home, business ventures and finances. Working towards the same goals are a plus in any marriage.
3. You have both weathered storms together
Think about all the tough times that you and your partner have gone through together. Think about how you both strategized and overcame problems that you were faced with. It’s possible that your relationship may have even gotten stronger as a result of storms that you have faced. If this is you, then this is a clear indication that you are ready to wed and make your battle fighting bond legitimate.
4. You are financially independent
Financial independence signifies that you are capable of transitioning into a married life. It shows that you are responsible in your single life and are therefore well able to manage finances in a marriage.
Having some level of financial independence is extremely important when venturing into a marriage. If this is not possessed, it could be a deal breaker for many.
5. You have a healthy relationship with your partner
You both respect each other, lift each other up, and are faithful and committed to each other. These are signs that marriage may be well suited for you. No relationship is perfect but if characteristics of a healthy relationship are present, you are well on your way to marital bliss.
6. Your loved ones support your relationship
If your family is there for it, this is a sign that marriage awaits you. The show of support from family is important in a relationship. Having your loved ones embrace your partner provides comfort and confirmation that you are supported while taking steps towards your marriage journey.
7. You finish each other’s sentences
If you complete each other sentences this is truly an indication that you are both in sync with each other. Only when people understand each other well does this usually occur. If this is you, the wedding bells are definitely ready to ring.
8. You know each other’s flaws
No one is perfect. If you both know each other’s flaws and are comfortable with them and willing to help each other work on them, this is a sign that you are ready to take the marriage plunge.
The takeaway here is that you are ready for marriage if several if not all of these 8 signs are present within your current relationship.
If this is you, this is a good indication that you are ready to move on to the next chapter of your relationship and make it official.
All the best to you!
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