Important Elements Of A Successful Marriage – The 3Cs

While there are many important and necessary elements of a successful marriage. There a 3 important Cs that really stand out.

  1. Communication
  2. Commitment
  3. Compromise


Communication could be viewed as a key component of a successful marriage.

From experience, open communication is important because it not only helps to solve marital problems, but it can prevent them from occurring in the first place.

Many marriages fail because of a lack of communication. No one can know how another person feels about a situation without asking them about it. To foster a healthy marriage, couples must endeavor to discuss their feelings, their highs, and lows, the good and the bad.

Communication is key.


It’s no secret that commitment is an important element of a successful marriage.

A marriage is a lifelong commitment. If you are wondering how long this commitment lasts, well, ‘until death do you part’.

A commitment obligates you to do something. A lack of commitment could ultimately lead to the demise of a relationship. Some people enter a marriage uncertain about if they are ready to commit. This is a recipe for disaster as this aspect should be addressed before entering a marriage. Others get into marriage and then realize that they have a problem with commitment.

Commitment in marriage requires discipline and the will to strive to achieve it. A person’s mindset must be aligned in such a way that they are relationship focused and partner focused.

You must believe that the person you married is the only one for you and when you embed this in your brain, you will learn to do whatever it takes to be committed and connected to your partner.  It will become a way of life for you.


A compromise involves reaching a common ground on something. It may sometimes require you to give up something in a bid to reach a place of understanding with your partner.

Compromise is essential in a relationship because no two people are alike. At some point in a relationship, couples will have different opinions. Compromising requires an open mind and may be required within many areas of a marriage including finances, intimacy or even parenting.

Good compromises help to foster growth within a marriage. Compromising shows that you are seeking a healthy partnership and that you are not solely concerned about your own happiness.

The 3Cs should be present within the foundation of a marriage. They are necessary within the lives of married couples and the absence of any one of these elements could cause a breakdown or even the demise of the relationship.

To help achieve marital success, couples must work together to incorporate these elements within their marriages.

If you want to gain more insight on how to make a marriage work, check out the book The Seven Principles for Making a Marriage Work by John M. Gottman and Nan Silver.

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