How Do I Become A Better Listener?

Listening calls for concentrating on what the speaker is saying. This can be hard work especially if factors exist such as:

  • background noise
  • fast or slowed speech
  • idioms
  • strong accents
  • bias

Oftentimes, we tend to be eager to speak and express our own thoughts rather than listening to what the speaker is saying.

Listening also has the potential for misunderstanding. Being an active listener, however, will allow you to obtain the information that you need so that you are able to formulate the appropriate response.

If you’re wondering how, you can be better listener, here are a few tips to help you achieve this.

Characteristics of a Good Listener

A Good Listener:

  • Is not easily distracted – They are focused on the conversation.
  • Does not rush to judgement – They listen to the entire message so that they can formulate the correct response.
  • Does not interrupt the speaker – They allow the speaker to finish what they are saying before giving a response.
  • Asks the right questions – This allows the listener to understand what is being said so that message is interpreted correctly.
  • Is sincere – They consider the fact that what is being said may be important to speaker and that the speaker has taken the time to express their thoughts. They pay attention to the speaker.
  • Is respectful – After receiving the message from the speaker, they try their best to give their response in a respectable manner even if they don’t completely agree with what was said.

Adapting good characteristics can help you to become a better listener. You may not always get it right but with practice you could become better at it overtime.

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