Build Self-Worth: You Are Worthy

You are valuable. It does not matter where you came from, what matters is where you are going. Don’t compare yourself to others. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalms 139:14) Stop feeling like you’re not good enough because you are worth so much more.

If you are struggling with the belief that you are unworthy, be assured that there is someone who thinks that you are valuable. That person is your heavenly father. Even if you don’t have a relationship with him as yet, know that you are worth more to him than you could ever know.

Building self-esteem is very important. You have to learn how to let go of negative feelings that can cause you to believe that you don’t measure up. A good way to do this is by self-motivating.

Ways to Self-Motivate

  • Speak positively to yourself daily
  • Look at your strengths and determine how they can help you to move past your weaknesses
  • Surround yourself with positive people

If disappointments, fear, or shame and guilt are pulling you down, you have to change your mindset. The fact that you are still alive today is a testimony because it means that those situations did not take you out. It’s now time to take steps to move on from them. If you are unable to let go of an unpleasant past, this will most likely hinder you from stepping into a better future.  

Forget about the people that speak negative about you, don’t dwell on what they are saying. Oftentimes, people will talk negative about others because they want to take the focus off of their own problems.  Don’t get paralyzed by fear. The best thing that you can do is to turn those negatives into positives. Maybe there are some things that you can change in your life. Search yourself and determine if a change may be in your best interest.

Always keep in mind that you are valuable. Never let your weakness make you feel as though you are unworthy. Seek out ways to turn those weaknesses into strengths. We all go through rough periods in life. It’s a part of living.  We rise, we sometimes fall, and then we have to pick ourselves up again.

Take your focus off of your shortcomings and place it on building your self-esteem. Make it a practice to self-motivate. Tell yourself daily that you are worth it, that you will succeed, that you matter, and that you have purpose. If you have not found your purpose in life as yet, don’t give up, keep searching.

All the best to you.

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