6 Travel Packing Clothing Tips For Your Next Trip

The joys of traveling. We love to do it, but sometimes the process that goes along with it may not be so enjoyable. The pursuit to fit your best or most comfortable clothing items into a limited amount space could prove to be a challenge in itself. Not to worry though. With a few good packing tips, you can save time and money and make packing a more stress-free experience.

Check out these 6 travel packing clothing tips for your next trip.

1. Plan your outfits

Planning your outfits is a good way to maximize luggage space and could also help you to avoid over packing or under packing. You can plan for each day of your trip. As a part of your planning, you should also consider packing clothing items that can mix and match. For example, you can pair a bottom for day 2 with a shirt for day 3, change up the accessories and wear the same shoes on both days. Planning outfits allows you to pack more efficiently.

2. Wear your heaviest clothing in transit to your destination

Wearing your heaviest clothing is another good space saving idea that can also help you cut down on luggage weight.  Items such as jackets, coats, boots and hats to name a few, can be worn to accessorize the outfit you will wear while in transit. This will also give you room to fit more essential or smaller items in your luggage to better maximize the space. Additionally, as most airlines have weight restrictions, you want to try your best not to exceed them so that you can avoid any fees associated with overweight luggage.

3. Do laundry on your trip

Doing laundry on your trip can save luggage space and packing time if you don’t want to plan your outfits for the full length of your trip. This tip may also work best if you are planning a lengthier trip of say more than a week or two. Based on your lodging plans, you can utilize the hotel’s laundry services, visit a nearby laundromat or opt to book an Airbnb that includes washing and drying facilities.

4. Pack at least one outfit in your carry-on

This may not be a regular occurrence, but in the event that your checked bag gets lost or delayed, it would be very beneficial to have a full change of clothes handy while you figure out your next move. This will offer you a little relief especially if you have plans upon your immediate arrival. Additionally having an outfit in your carry-on also avoids you having to dig through your bags for your first outfit change until you get settled and unpacked.

5. Opt for travel-friendly clothing

Good travel friendly clothing are the ones that require little to no ironing. Spandex and knits are some of the best options. It’s so much easier and convenient to be able to take out your clothing and in a few minutes you’re basically ready to go.  Avoid clothing with high percentages of linen if you can. Clothing with less wrinkles is a better way to go.  Save time and energy getting ready in the morning so that you can get out quickly and start your travel day.

6. Roll your clothing

Rolling your clothing before you pack them is another great way to maximize luggage space. It may take a few extra minutes to do this, but it will definitely be worth the time. You can fit more items in your luggage with this method which is also useful if your goal is to minimize the number of suitcases that you take on your trip.

There you have it, 6 good travel packing clothing tips that can help you prepare for your next trip.

Happy travels!

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