5 Things Married Couples Should Avoid Doing

There are many components that work to together to create a successful marriage. Outside of those components, there are certain aspects that you should avoid in your quest for marital success.
Read below for a list of 5 things that married couples should avoid doing to foster a healthier marriage.

1. Going to Bed Angry
The Bible admonishes us to never let the sun go down on our anger. This is a very important element for married couples who have vowed to be together for the rest of their lives.

You must make the effort to address what you are faced with so that it does not linger on and create issues in the relationship. It does not make good sense to go to bed angry because you will wake up the next morning with the same problem, and the same person that you must face it with.
2. Disrespecting or Arguing with Your Spouse in Public
This is unhealthy in any relationship. Give each other the respect that is due both in private and public. Don’t paint a picture of an unhealthy marriage in the public eye.

This may cause gossip to circulate about your marriage. The gossip can then have a further negative effect on the relationship when it gets back to you.
Always endeavor to handle each other respectfully in public and deal with issues privately.
3. Letting Other People Get Involved in Your Relationship
This is an aspect that can have damaging effects on your marriage. There is nothing wrong with getting some relationship advice from persons that you trust, but never allow or condone the person getting directly involved in the relationship. Thank them for their advice and let them know that you will take it from there.

Set boundaries so that your outside support systems know that they are appreciated – but on the outside. Remember that at the end of the day, your relationship journey consists of two people only, you and your spouse.
4. Talking Down to Your Spouse
Sometimes in relationships, we find that one partner may not be as thriving, or vision oriented as the other. This may create tension in the relationship which could result in this action. This is an unhealthy action that can ruin a person’s self-esteem.
Think about it this way, if your partner’s self-esteem takes a blow, they may be so hurt that they start accepting what you say to them and never try to change. This will not solve the problem but perhaps only may make things worse, leading to the demise of the relationship.

Instead of talking down to your partner, encourage them and let them know that you are willing to help them achieve whatever it is that you feel that they are lacking.
5. Taking Your Spouse for Granted
A married person should always ensure that their partner feels loved. You should always express gratitude towards each other. Whether it’s for the smallest or the biggest reason, you should never take each other for granted. You can send an “I love you” or “Thank you” text to your partner in the middle of the day for absolutely no reason other than to let them know that they are loved.

Married life sometimes gets so routine that couples feel as though because everyone is doing what they should be doing, saying ‘thank you’ is not necessary. Always show love and appreciation for all that you do for each other.
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