5 Helpful Tips For Flying With Kids

Its best to be prepared when traveling with kids. In doing so, it helps to eliminate some of the stress and frustration associated with travel in general. Traveling with younger kids can be a hard task, especially if you’re unprepared.

Here are 5 helpful tips for flying with kids.

Book early morning flights

An early morning departure would be best when traveling with kids. Children will usually be interested in sleeping during early morning hours which means that they will be less active. Further, early morning flights usually tend to take-off on schedule which is great because it avoids having to manage the kids during delays.

Dress in comfortable clothing

This is a good tip for both parents and children. Dressing kids comfortably such as in shoes without laces or clothing without lots of zippers will help them to navigate better, especially during bathroom time. Comfortable clothing is also less stress for everyone when going through airport security.

Pack food and entertainment

When flying with kids, essentials items include food and entertainment. Be sure to pack snacks for the kids. Especially where long flights are concerned, you want to ensure that you not only have enough snacks, but snacks that the kids will enjoy. You also want to pack some sort of entertainment for the kids. Whether its a tablet or a game, its best to have something that will keep the kids entertained and quiet.

Don’t seat kids in the aisle

Avoid sitting kids in the aisle seat when possible. These seats allow them to move more freely which is not good because they may become too fidgety. A window seat is usually best for kids because the corner can give parents better control and by extension the view from the window can help to keep them entertained. Aisle seats can also be potentially dangerous for kids due to the movement of passengers, crew, and carts that could bump into them.

Prepare for germs

Ensure that you have antibacterial wipes and sanitizing sprays to help keep the kids as germ free as possible. Kids are usually touching everything. A good idea is to wipe their hands periodically to keep the germ count low. If you are flying with kids that won’t keep their shoes on, wiping their feet is also a good idea. Ensure that your kids however wear their shoes when going into the restroom. You should also wipe down seats handles and trays in the airplane and at the airport to help avoid illness.

There is no one size fits all when traveling with kids, but a few good tips can help you to be better prepared.

Hope these 5 tips are helpful to you in some way.

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