12 Healthy Habits Of Happy Couples

Being is a relationship will usually require each partner to do some level of work. Things are not always perfect. While this may be the case, there are however habits that happy couples have that may give you some insight as you build on your own relationship.  

Listed are 12 healthy habits of happy couples.

They do daily check-ins

Happy couples will ensure that they check in with each other throughout the day. Whether it’s a short call or text that says, “I love you” or ” How is your day going”, happy couples make sure that their partner knows that they are thinking about them.

They show gratitude toward each other

Happy couples convey their gratitude. This is expressed by using phrases such as “thank you”, or “I appreciate you”. Whenever their partner does something that they appreciate, they make it a point to let them know.

They listen to each other

Happy couples know the value of communication and for this reason they listen to each other. They will be attentive to each other’s words and offer the necessary encouragement or support that the other needs. Afterall, communication is key.

They look out for one another

Happy couples will always have each other’ back. They defend each other against all odds. Even though they may not always agree, when it matters, they come through for each other.

They enjoy each other’s company

Happy couples enjoy spending time together. They are happy when they around each other. During these moments, they enjoy conversating and just generally being in each other’s presence.

They always express their love for each other

A happy couple will use every opportunity that they can to let their partner know that they are loved. This is achieved through them simply saying ‘I love you’. This phase may be uttered multiple times during the day including but not limited to when they are leaving each other’s presence, when they are going to bed, or when ending a phone call with each other.

They do date nights

Date nights help to keep the romance going. Happy couples know this. They make this a time to hang out with one another. If you’re looking for a few date night ideas check out this post about ‘Simple Date Night Ideas for Couples’.

They hold hands when walking

Happy couple usually show their affection by holding hands. It’s a sweet gesture that can be seen as both an intimate and public portrayal of affection. It shows that the couple is bonded and happy to be close to each other.

They do not smother

Happy couples give each other space. While they love being in each other’s company, they understand the importance of having alone time or just time to unwind with friends.

They practice intimacy

Many happy couples display intimacy through a daily show of affection. They may steal kisses throughout the day or give affectionate hugs or a kiss of the hand. Its more than just bedroom affection, it’s a daily practice of intimacy that helps to keep the fire of romance burning.

They strive not to go to bed upset

Let’s face it, even the happiest of couples will still experience disagreements at some point in their relationship. It’s just the way life is. People will not always agree. A happy couple however will seek to work out their differences more swiftly, usually by way of talking out the problem and/or finding a solution. They try to ensure that their issues are resolved and not carried over into the next day.

They work through their problems privately

A healthy habit of a happy couple is that they don’t get others involved in their relationship. They don’t publicize their problems rather; they work through them together. There may be times when advice may need to be solicited from a trusted family or friend. When this happens however, it should be done in strict confidence.

Hope these healthy habits can help you build on your own relationship.

All the best to you.

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