Do Something Greater – 5 Quotes To Inspire You

Where there is life, there is great purpose. We should all endeavor to fulfil ours.

The truth is, sometimes we get so comfortable with living a routine life that we don’t think about our purpose or about doing something greater.

Remember when you were a child and always spoke about all the things you wanted to be when you grew up. You would talk mom or dad’s ears off about how you wanted to be a doctor to help make people better or a policeman to protect people and so on. Where did those dreams go?

When you got older, they went into the sea of forgetfulness.

You know why every time someone close to you gets sick you are the one who volunteers to go over and take care of them, and you do such a good job at it. Do you know why when a dispute is happening in front of you or in your inner circle, you are the one who always steps in to help diffuse the situation, and you do such a good job at it.

Well, if you have not figured it out by now, it’s because you may have missed your calling.

Life happens, and at some point, we fall into the mindset of routine and just existing. You show up to your current job filing paperwork for example when you know that you don’t even file your own paperwork at home because you don’t enjoy doing it. Your papers at home have consumed your entire living room or study for the last 3 years. Sad.

This is only an example from the employment standpoint. What about all the other great things that you could be doing but are too afraid to venture into. That business idea, those going back to college plans, going to volunteer for charity, and you know that the list goes on.

Why do we continuously subject ourselves to just the norm or doing just enough to get by. There is nothing wrong with playing it safe, but at some point, we must push ourselves to go further, to aim higher, to do something greater! 

Anything is possible. Where there is life, there is purpose. Whatever you believe you can work towards achieving.

Below are 5 quotes to help motivate you toward greatness. Go forth and be great!

“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.”

– Anatole France

“You have the ability to choose which way you want to go. You have to believe great things are going to happen in your life. Do everything you can – prepare, pray and achieve – to make it happen.”

– Ben Carson

“If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.”

– Napoleon Hill

“Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.”

– George Eliot

“If I could talk to my younger self, I would just say that the path to great things is filled with a lot of stumbles, suffering, and challenges along the way. But if you have the right attitude and know that hard times will pass – and you get up each time – you will reach your destination.”

– Jonny Kim

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