What Not To Do On A Plane

While we cannot avoid all of the mayhem that goes along with traveling, we can avoid doing things that would help to make the experience more bearable. If you’ve ever wondered what not to do on a plane, take a look at these 5 things to give you some insight.

Avoid doing the following:

1. Walking barefoot

Walking barefoot on an airplane can have health and safety risks. Just the thought of the germs should be enough motivation to keep your shoes on. Further, keeping your shoes on is best to avoid walking on things like broken glass in the galley or bathroom areas. It could also prevent you from walking into a spill or something of that nature caused by a fellow passenger. While you may want to get comfortable on a plane, keep in mind that you are not in the comfort of your home. Consider wearing comfortable shoes when you travel to avoid having to take them off.

2. Consuming too much alcohol

Consuming too much alcohol can create issues for yourself and others. We all know the effects that excessive alcohol can have on a person. Well, combine that with being confined to a small, enclosed space. If you must have something to calm your nerves during your plane ride, be sure to manage your alcohol intake wisely. Avoid being that person who has to be booted off of the plane.

3. Reclining your seat to far

Consider the person sitting behind you when you recline your seat. You don’t want to cramp their space while you try to obtain comfort. Further, if you happen to be asked by someone to take your seat forward, don’t get sour about it. Be accommodating as best you can. Don’t create rifts to add to the chaos of traveling.

4. Being rude to the flight attendant

Everyone wants to experience some level of comfort while flying. Sometimes, this desire may force a person to act in such a way to achieve this. Don’t take your frustrations out on the flight attendant. You may not like everything that they have to say, but at the end of the day, their job is to enforce the airline’s rules. If you respect the rules, it will make things a lot easier for yourself and others around you.

5. Touching the flush button on the toilet

Just like in other public bathrooms, you should avoid touching the toilet flush button directly with your hands. If you must touch it, wash your hands immediately afterward before you touch anything else. The best practice as always is to use a piece of tissue or paper towel to do this. Also consider using a paper towel to turn off the faucet and to let yourself out of the door. While on a plane, avoid being exposed to germs as best you can.


When you take your next plane ride, avoid doing these things for your health and safety, and the overall wellbeing of yourself and fellow passengers.

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