Is Joy And Happiness Different?

The dictionary defines joy as ‘the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying’.

Happiness is defined by Mirriam Webster as ‘a pleasurable or satisfying experience’.

People use both words as one in the same. A difference however exists between the two.

Joy can be viewed as an internal emotion while happiness is a feeling that is driven by more external means.


Joy involves a feeling of peace and contentment within. Happiness on the other hand can been viewed as an external emotion that is evoked by external experiences such as through people, possessions, and by other material means.

Joy comes from within. It involves self-content coupled with pleasure and happiness.

For example, joy can be felt when a person is grateful, or through spiritual experiences.

Looking at the joy through a spiritual lens, joy is a feeling of gladness and ease that comes from knowing and trusting in the God. It’s that feeling that causes you to still be able to smile, even when life gets rough. It’s an inward peace in knowing that if you put your trust in God, all things will work together for your good. This joy causes you not to worry. It allows you to still be happy while you wait to expect great things. It’s that feeling that you have, that the world cannot give to you. It’s down in your soul and can only come through the grace of God. 

The Georgia Mass Choir – Joy


Happiness is an emotion which conveys that a person is satisfied with something.

Maybe you just got a new job, perhaps a promotion has come down the pipeline. Maybe you have recently paid off a mortgage or have just experienced the birth of a child.

These are all happy feelings that will bring bliss. A person will mainly experience happiness through earthly experiences and material factors. Happiness in more temporary and is expressed externally; it provides satisfaction for a period.


Both joy and happiness are desirable feelings which are different in their own right. Joy can be greatly spiritual while happiness can be superficial. Happiness feels good, although joy can be considered more meaningful.

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