5 Ways To Live In The Present Moment

Living in the present can produce joy and could help to create a happier you. While life has its ups and downs, don’t get distracted by worry or things that you can’t control. Instead, take it one day at a time, endeavor to live in the present. Experience the world around you, do positive things that do not require a great deal of thought. Our thoughts can sometimes cause us to overthink things, they can give us anxiety, and can also keep us from moving on from the past.

What does it mean to live in the moment?

To live in the moment means to focus on the present and all the joy or happiness that you can experience now. It involves not thinking undesirable thoughts, but rather thoughts that will keep you in a good place in your life right now.

Become a happier you. Here are 5 ways to live in the present moment.

1. Find Your Passion

Pursue things that you are passionate about. We do so many things that are routine. We go to work every day, we come home at night, take a shower, then prepare for the next day. There is so much more to life than the everyday routine. What about those dreams that you have always had. Maybe you’ve always wanted to write a children’s book, or you have a knack for design and always wanted to help people create beautiful weddings. Tap into some of your passions. Spend some time outside of your routine schedule building on them. Use the weekends or whatever off time you have pursuing them. Live in the moment and take time to do things that will make you happy.

2. Meditate

Take a step back. Breathe. Live in the moment. Set aside some time each day to meditate. Among other things, meditating can help you to take your focus off of negative or undesired thoughts and helps you to channel positivity.

3. Work On Your Physical Health

Exercising is good for both your physical and mental health. Having a simple workout routine can be beneficial to your mind and body. Exercise can also help to relieve stress and is a good way to help you focus on the now. Living healthier can improve your overall health and well-being and can help foster a happier you.

4. Seek Out Inspiration

You will be surprised at what a piece of good motivational content can do for you. Whether it’s a podcast, a book, a you tube video, a television broadcast or even an in-person session, motivating content can inspire you to live in the moment. Life has a way of knocking us down at times, but good motivational content can help to pick us back up again. Keep in mind, it may not happen overnight, but if you keep on seeking out inspiration to feed your soul you will eventually get to a place where you are happier with your life and can live it in the moment.

5. Journaling

Write down your thoughts. Journaling is a great way to focus on your thoughts and reflect on the now. What you write may surprise you. You may notice a few things about yourself that you had forgotten and may even discover a few things that you would like to change. Journaling can help you to pay more attention to your thoughts and realize what’s important in your life at this moment.


Life is worth living. Live it in the moment. Don’t stress about the past, it’s gone. Don’t be over concerned about the future, it has not come as yet. Live for now, find joy in what you can do today. Live in the present moment.

All the best to you!

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