16 Basic Spanish Words And Phrases Everyone Should Learn

Many people have at some point in their life expressed the desire to learn a second language. Spanish is usually a popular choice. While learning another language can sometimes prove to be a challenge, even if you don’t master it, knowing enough to hold a simple conversation is still a plus.

To help get you started, here are 16 basic Spanish words and phrases that you should learn.

Common Spanish Words and Phrases

Hola – Hello

Buenos días – Good morning

Buenas tardes – Good afternoon/good evening

Buenas noches – Good night

¿Cómo estás? –  How are you?

Muy bien, gracias – Very good thank you.

¿Cómo te llamas? –  What is your name?

Me llamo – My name is…..

¿De dónde eres? – Where are you from?

Encantada/ Mucho gusto – Nice to meet you.

Gracias – Thank you

Adiós – Goodbye

Por favor – Please

De nada – You’re welcome

Lo siento – Sorry

Hablo Ingl̩s РI speak English

Knowing these basic words and phrases will give you the ability to hold a simple conversation in Spanish. It can also help to avoid those awkward moments that may occur when you encounter someone who speaks the language.

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