New Year’s Resolution Guide – 15 Ideas For You

The new year creates an opportunity to start a fresh. It’s the perfect time to reflect on your life and map out where you would like to see yourself in the future.

New Year’s resolutions don’t always pan out the way that we envision them however, having some type of goal or vision for yourself is better than having none at all.

If you decide to make resolutions, it may be best to create somewhat of a strategy. Perhaps you can place the more attainable goals at the top of your list and place the ones that require a greater effort afterwards. Analyze your list periodically and you may find that an opportunity has arisen that will allow you to bring a harder goal to the forefront.

Either way, discover which strategies work best for you. Make the best effort that you can. You can’t fail if you never try.

Have a look of this New Year’s Resolution Guide below to get your juices flowing!

1. Pursue a new career.

Whether you are content with your current job or not, a new career may give you an opportunity to excel beyond your expectations or can even help you to combat complacency.

2. Change your wardrobe.

New wardrobe, new attitude. You may be surprised at how a new wardrobe can give you the motivation you need to get through this year confidently.

3. Create a new music playlist.

Remove some of those songs that you listened to last year and replace them with new motivating music that can help to keep you in a good mood.

4. Replace toxic friends

You’ve put up with bad friends long enough. The new year is a good time to seek out friends who mean you well and who will help you be an overall better you.

5. Find a new hobby.

So, you’ve had the same hobby for the last few years. It may be a good time now to find a new one. Yes, you love fishing, but have you ever tried bowling, cycling, what about reading a book? New year, new hobbies await you.

6. Don’t procrastinate.

You did too much of this last year. This year, make it a priority to come to a quicker decision on whatever you are facing. Your mind and body will thank you.

7. Speak positive to yourself.

Yes, others can motivate you, but you can become your own greatest motivator. In this new year, make it a point to tell yourself positive things. Here’s a good one to start with, “Today is going to be a great day.”.

8. Use your phone less.

Make it a point this year to take a mental break from the distraction of the world. This can include but is not limited to social media or other things that typically cause you to use your phone constantly or excessively. Set a time throughout the day even if it’s only an hour or the weekend perhaps as time to refrain from your using your phone.  A screen time app can also help you to monitor and adjust the amount of time that you spend on your phone.

9. Stop smoking.

Smoking is bad for your health. If you’ve tried quitting on your own but to no avail, in this new year, be intentional about seeking out help. There are many resources available to help you reach this goal. You can find some here.

10. Declutter.

Out with the old. The new year is a great time to clean out your home and get rid of all of those things that you wanted to throw away last year, but you did not get around to doing it.

11. Drink more water.

Studies suggests that consuming the right amount of water each day has many health benefits. Find out more here.

12. Do more walking.

Exercise is always good. Walking is one of the easiest and perhaps more convenient forms of exercise. Well, most of us do it every day! Start small, opt to take the stairs at work instead of the elevator. Eventually, you will be able to survive a few laps around a nearby park.

13. Think positive.

Whatever you set your mind on, believe that you can accomplish it. Know that it’s very unlikely that you will be able to accomplish everything during the first try. Keep plugging at it and think positive.

14. Learn a new skill.

Maybe you’ve always loved baking, but you could never get a cake to stand firm or a cookie to be able to lift off of the baking sheet. Well, no matter. It’s a good year to take a few classes and become the home baker that you have always wanted to be.

15. Pace yourself.

Don’t try to accomplish everything all at once, goals included. Give yourself time to work on or toward one thing. Try your best to conclude before moving to the next aspect.

Happy New Year to you!

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