6 Ways To Save Money On Groceries

You cannot avoid going to the grocery store. So, while you’re there, you might as well try to cash in on the savings.

Listed below are 6 ways that you can save money on groceries.

1. Clip coupons

Take advantage of the coupons that a store offers. Purchase your local newspaper or visit your local store’s online site and clip your way to savings. Coupons allow you to purchase an array of items at a discount or even get them for free!

2. Buy store brands

Store brand products are sold at a lower price than the big brands. According to Insider, store brand groceries cost about 25% less than national brands. One reason for this is that they do not have research, development and advertising costs and are therefore able to take that off of the product price. So, while the big brands are attractive, consider purchasing reliable store brand products and see the savings on your next grocery bill.

3. Freeze items

Don’t through away the leftovers! Consider freezing them and save money. If you freeze meals, they will last for a while. You can package your meals in containers before freezing so that you just have pull one out, heat and go. Freezing items is convenient and can save you money on groceries.

4. Write a shopping list and stick to it

Avoid impulse buying. Take a list to the grocery store and purchase the items that you planned for. Don’t get distracted by the sale signs either. If something on your list is on sale, then that’s a savings for you. However, don’t get caught up in purchasing sale items that you may not have any need for in the near future. Stick to your list and save.

5. Avoid taking the kids to the store with you

A family grocery shopping trip may be an outing that could end up being an added expense. Let’s face it, kids have wandering eyes, hands to. They can’t help it. If it’s not absolutely necessary, it’s probably best that you leave them at home. Your wallet will thank you.

6. Compare store prices

After creating your list, do some research to determine which stores have your items for the best price. You may end up having to visit more than one store to get your groceries. If it is worth it, go for it.

Grocery shopping is a way of life. It’s an expense that cannot be avoided. Try doing these 6 things to help lower your bill and experience the savings.

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