5 Ways To Teach Kids Gratitude This Thanksgiving

What’s a better time to teach a child about gratitude than at Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a time of sharing and togetherness. It’s a time to be thankful for life and all the good things that we have been afforded whether great or small.

Teaching kids about gratitude can help them to appreciate what they have and also helps them to understand why it is also important to help those who are less fortunate.

Here are 5 ways to teach kids gratitude this thanksgiving.

1. Donating to Charity

Donating to charity is a great way to teach kids the lesson of gratitude. Even the smallest little child can be a part of this activity. Encourage kids to gather at home items (toys, clothing, books, etc.) that belong to them, to give to someone less fortunate. While doing this exercise, it is important to teach kids that what they donate should not always be the things that they do not want. Instead, let them know that it is even more meaningful to give items that they think will bring joy to someone just as it has brought joy to them.

2. Participating in a Neighborhood Clean-Up

Helping to keep a clean community is a great way to teach kids gratitude. It teaches them how to appreciate their community, which includes the environment and the people in it. Teach the child that trash belongs in a bin and let them know that as they navigate through the community and see trash on the ground, they should get into the habit of picking it up and properly disposing of it.

Further, for kids that are a little bit older, they can do things such as assisting a neighbor with tree trimming or periodic lawn cutting to help keep the community looking great.

3. Volunteering at a Local Charity

When we think about volunteering, a soup kitchen may be one of the first places that comes to mind.  Some people may view a soup kitchen as more of an activity that is suitable for adults. Well, while that might be so, there are still ways that a child can participate. For instance, while adults serve the food, a child can pass out utensils, hand out drinks, and can even help clear tables as needed.

For a more kid friendly activity, volunteering for a few hours at a children’s home is great option. The child can play games with the other kids, read stories together, help clean up the playroom, or if they are old enough, they can assist a child with their homework.

4. Teach The Child How To Say Thank You

Teach the child the importance of saying thank you. Saying thank you lets a person know that you are appreciative of what they have done. If someone holds a door open for you, you should thank them. If a classmate lends you a pencil, you should say thank you. If you drop something, and someone picks it up for you, you should thank them for doing so. Saying thank you shows that you are grateful.

5. Lead By Example

Another good way to teach children about gratitude is by letting your kids see you showing gratitude toward others. Be mindful that this also includes them.

Make it a practice to tell your kids why you are grateful for them. Show gratitude for even the simplest things that they do. For example, if they set the table every night before dinner, thank them for doing it. If they walk their little sibling home from school, thank them for being a great big brother or sister. If they do their homework every day without having to be told to do it, acknowledge it, and thank them for it. Eventually, the child will gain an understanding of how gratitude works and how they can exhibit it towards others. One of the best ways to teach gratitude is by example.


The practice of gratitude is about being thankful for the good things in life and extending this gratitude to others including the less fortunate and those around you. Teaching kids about gratitude helps them to appreciate what they have and inspires them to help others when they can. Thanksgiving is a perfect time to teach a child about what it means to be grateful.

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