10 New Year’s Resolutions That Are Achievable

Happy New Year! You made it. By now, most people would have already created a list of resolutions to get the new year started off right. Right? Well, if you’re not one of those persons, don’t worry. Here’s a little help. Listed below are 10 achievable ideas you may want to consider. With just a small effort on your part, you may actually be able to check off all of the boxes this year.
1. Declutter
If you have not worn that piece of clothing in the last 2 years, it’s safe to say that it’s time for it to go. Declutter your life this new year. Get rid of those clothing, shoes, accessories, linens, and even food items in the cupboards that have been hanging around unused for long periods of time. If you have items that are still in good condition, consider donating them to charity. Declutter your life and start off fresh in the new year.
2. Stop Procrastinating
Make up your mind to stop procrastinating. You dragged your feet and prolonged things that needed to be done all last year. In the new year, make your decisions with confidence. Escape the stress and added brain power that usually goes along procrastinating.
3. Budget Better
Develop a plan and stick to it. Evaluate your expenses and re-evaluate your spending. Avoid impulse buying and unnecessary purchases. Save more, spend less is the goal. A budget app could also assist you in accomplishing this. Create a budget that will work for you and stick to it.
4. Become A Volunteer
This activity is achievable in part because it can be performed throughout the entire year. Helping out at a soup kitchen or participating in community outreach exercises are great ways to help others. Take the initiative in the new year to help others in need.
5. Start Taking The Stairs
Ditch the elevators and escalators and opt to use the stairs. This is a good way to get a little exercise in to help you burn off a few of those daily calories.

6. Read More
According to Healthline reading has many benefits. Among other things, it strengthens your brain, builds your vocabulary, reduces stress, and may even help you live longer.
7. Eat More Vegetables
Plan to eat more greens in the new year. Make vegetables a part of your daily diet. Among other things, fiber rich vegetables help to maintain heart health. Ensure that you have a balanced diet, vegetables included.
8. Join A Club
Joining a club can help you find a new hobby or work on your social skills. A hobby is a good way to past time and so is socializing with others. Perhaps you can join a bowling or softball club. Or a chess or a swimming club maybe? Whatever tickles your fancy, enjoy yourself and meet new friends in the process.
9. Try New Dishes
Variety is the spice of life. The new year is a great time to try new recipes. Pre-prepped meal plans are a good way to go. If you want to channel your inner chef, purchasing a cookbook is another alternative. Allow your taste buds to experience something different in the new year.
10. Carve Out Family Time
Prioritize family life. Make sure that you include family time in your busy schedule. Whether it’s a movie or family game night, or even a conscious effort to be home at a particular time each day to have dinner with the family, carve out time to spend with your loved ones in this new year.
There you have it, 10 ideas that are simple but best of all achievable. Never mind if your last set of resolutions did not pan out the way you expected. This year, you are on your way to success.
All the best to you.
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